Outdoor gear lab master cam ultralight
Outdoor gear lab master cam ultralight

outdoor gear lab master cam ultralight

Nikon 105 2.8 MC VR S Macro (The sharpest 105 yet): B&H Nikon 24-70 2.8 S (even sharper): Amazon B&H Nikon 24-70 F4 S (This is so sharp and so light): Amazon B&H Nikon 70-200 F2.8 S (wow!): B&H ( Kirk’s Arca Swiss foot with QD will be shipping soon) See Filtration for specific filters and holders for this lens Nikon 14-24 F2.8 S: Amazon B&H (Wow what a lens! Carry a spare lens cap it’s unique) Hollyland Lark 150 dual wireless lav mic kit: Amazon B&H Sony’s A9ii (an epic sport and wildlife machine) Video & audio Capture accessoriesĪtomos Ninja V Pro Res Raw monitor/recorder: B&H Amazon Sony’s A1 (an amazing all around mirrorless camera) Pluto Trigger (a great wireless trigger for extra long exposures, lightning and other applications): B&HĬanon’s R5 (highly recommended for Canon shooters) Nikon Z50 (a great entry level mirrorless): Amazon B&HĮxternal USB power for mirrorless: See Necessities belowįoolography Unleashed (choose appropriate camera connection): Kirk Z6 / Z7 L-Bracket (now with QD connection): DirectĬF Express Cards: Amazon B&H (great new brand, cheaper now at B&H) Nikon Z7 (I highly recommend the Kit with the FTZ adaptor and 24-70mm F4 S): Amazon B&HįTZ Adaptor (to seamlessly use F-mount lenses): Amazon B&HĪtomos Ninja V 5” Screen and 10-Bit Log Recorder: Amazon B&H Nikon Z6 (I highly recommend the Kit with the FTZ adaptor and 24-70mm F4 S): Amazon B&H Nikon Z6ii / Z7ii Kirk L-bracket with QD mount: Nikon Z7ii (I highly recommend the Kit with the FTZ adaptor and 24-70mm F4 S): Amazon B&H Nikon Z6ii (I highly recommend the Kit with the FTZ adaptor and 24-70mm F4 S): Amazon B&H NEW Nikon Z9 EN-EL18d batteries Dxo PureRawīuy DxO PureRAW Please come back to use my buy link. NEW Nikon FTZ ii (adapter for F mount) preorder link Learn more and order Kase filters at GoPro Hero 9 deal Learn more and order Tripods at BenQ’s Screenbar Plus monitor light Richard Misrach’s book On Meaning And Landscape Ben Long’s book The Practicing Photographer

Outdoor gear lab master cam ultralight